Geeta Girl Discusses You Do You: Choosing and Doing Your Own Unique Dharma Season 4, Episode 17

In this podcast, we discuss defining and following through with your own unique dharma or responsibility. That means doing the hard stuff even if you don’t want to. Standing up for what is the right (despite the naysaying). And following through with your responsibilities without worrying about the outcome. So focus on taking action and not on the results- canvass, write postcards, phone bank, talk to friends, VOTE! And if things don’t go the way you hoped, you know what you have to do. Your dharma. Again (and again).

Check out our podcast, “Geeta Girl Discusses You Do You: Choosing and Doing Your Own Unique Dharma” on Apple Podcast/iTunes, Spotify, and everywhere you listen to podcasts. Don’t forget to subscribe to, rate, and review the Geeta Girl Podcast!


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